How it works.

Install Chrome Extension

Visit our chrome web store and install the chat4u extension.

Navigate to Website

Check out our supported sites page. We can connect with Xfinity, Geico, and many more.

Start Chatting

Our GPT based agent will chat with support on your behalf.

GPT messages live support on your behalf

We connect and assist you to resolve issues and save money.

Install Extension

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know

How do I install the tool?
Navigate to the google webstore on a supported browser such as chrome, edge, or brave. Install our chat4u extension then navigate to a supported web page. Once the chat is started you can generate single replies or start a continuous conversation.
What sites does chat4u support?
Currently we support over 20 websites. Our focus is to first add support for large companies with low rated customer service. If you would like to contact us about adding more sites, shoot us an email [email protected]
What details do I need to provide?
Depending on what issue you are resolving it may be necessary for you to login or provide account information during the chat. This tool is intended to be used to read chat messages and reply in a helpful and intuitive way. You must login and handle any sensitive information manually. We do not save the contents of messages or any data from the webpage.
What types of issues can be resolved?
We are able to assist with a wide range of disputes and issues. Everything from resolving major mistakes, to getting discounts, and even checking for promotional upgrades.
How can I get in touch with chat4u?
We are ready to help with any issues that may arise, if you need to reach out send us an email at [email protected]
Free Trial

Test out our extension and see if we can save you money.

  • OpenAI GPT 3.5 Model
  • Generate Single Replies
  • Continuous Conversation
  • New Site Requests
    5 Free Messages
$3.99/ month

AI tools that resolve real issues saving you time and money.

  • Latest GPT 4 Turbo Model
  • Generate Single Replies
  • Continuous Conversation
  • New Site Requests
    100 messages/day

Browse Supported Sites

check out the list of sites we connect with